Only your heart and soul can guide you to the truth.

Do not believe anything because it is said by an authority,
or if it is said to come from angels,
or from Gods, or from an inspired source.
Believe it only if you have explored it in your own heart
and mind and body and found it to be true.
Work out your own path, through diligence.

~Gautama Buddha


Too often, we accept information presented to us as the truth, with no effort to ask any honest, critical, or introspective questions. We’ve become so blinded by outer “nicely packaged” forms of deception – especially, by people we see as having authority, power or “more knowledge” than us.

In the age of information, we are increasingly impatient. Our impatience will lead us away from the truth – every time. Our inability to sit with the discomfort and challenge of “not knowing” will prevent us from any real discernment – and the clarity and perceptiveness of our heart/soul knowing. Our fear of rejection from others will keep us bound to comfortable yet restricted ways of viewing ourselves, each-other and the world.

finaltruthsigAre we open for the truth?… “Truth” © Copyright Jaymie Elder 2014

When presented with new information about any person or any subject, drop into your feeling heart space…how does it feel in your solar plexus (stomach area)?

What does your heart say to you?

If something I read or see in a person does not feel right to me, I try to sit with the discomfort and inner conflict… I believe this is an internal space, we all need to feel, with patience, humility and finally relinquishing our need to “know”, to be right or be in control.

When I have questions about any person or subject, I ask my soul being for answers. I practice allowing the wisdom of my heart to guide me. I trust and know these answers can be revealed to me in many different and sometimes completely irrational ways, i.e. through reading an article (which pops up unexpectedly, but in perfect synchronicity while browsing online) or sharing a conversation with a stranger, friend, a child, an animal, mountain, rock, plant or tree.

Because I believe that a spirit moves through all of life, I know that ALL beings can be my teacher (if I am willing and open to listen). Of course, this is nothing revolutionary. It is a return to the ancient feminine way of the right brain, feeling, intuitive or yin-being. It is the power of the feminine principal, which indigenous people and shamanic cultures around the world have practiced daily as a deeply interconnected and balanced way of life.

Above all, I have learned that being able to see and feel the truth in people and in the world, is an internal process of removing the veils of illusion in myself first (i.e. my past wounded beliefs, patterns and projections on to others, which I may cling too, out of fear and a need for control to feel safe and “accepted”). I also try to allow space for new information to come in because I do not agree with staying “fixed” or inflexible to soul growth and expansion.

I feel grateful to be journeying with a partner who challenges me, every day, to see and feel the truth both in myself, in people and in the world. Juerg is not afraid to call out my (or his own) shadow – false illusions, beliefs and self-deceptions. In doing so, we both offer each other the immense opportunity to grow from a limited human understanding – to see and feel more clearly and deeper from our feeling heart and infinite soul being.



“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived and dishonest – but the myth – persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the clichés of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” – John F. Kennedy

Copyright © 2017/2021 Jaymie Elder

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Jaymie Elder is a soul journey guide, artist, photographer and traveler offering intuitive guidance/Soul Sessions internationally. Jaymie is dedicated to supporting others to heal and grow towards their authentic self – and a life in harmony with their heart and soul being.
Learn more about Jaymie and her work here.

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